Before you complete this form please take note of the following.
We cannot become involved in concerns relating to:
  • Developments harming value or sale of a property

We can only pursue alleged breaches that cause some form of harm to public amenity, e.g. to public safety, built heritage, the environment, etc. The effect on the value or sale of a property is not a planning consideration.

  • The emission of noise, smells, dust and other forms of environmental pollution, including fly-tipping and litter (unless also involving a breach of a planning condition).

These are dealt with by the relevant Unitary Council (Conwy or Gwynedd) or in the case of fly-tipping can be reported through the Fly-tipping Action Wales website. Larger scale incidents of fly-tipping should be reported to Natural Resources Wales.

  • Methods of building construction, dangerous structures and drainage.

These are normally dealt with by the Building Control section of the relevant Unitary Council.

  • Businesses run from home

Planning permission is not usually required to run a small business from home, but a planning breach may have taken place where:

  • A house is no longer being used mainly as a private residence;
  • The business has resulted in a significant rise in traffic or people calling;
  • The business has been involved in harmful activities unusual in a residential area;
  • The business has disturbed neighbours at unreasonable hours or created other forms of nuisance such as noise or smells.
  • The pollution of watercourses.

Natural Resources Wales should be contacted about pollution, any work such as digging and moving gravel and stones, or any other environmental issues on all watercourses.

  • Caravans

Caravans may be stationed within a garden without planning permission (unless there is a planning condition that prevents this), so long as they are being used for purposes that are ancillary to the house. Similarly, caravans may be stationed on agricultural or forestry land, though occupancy and use restrictions usually apply. Many types of garden building, chalet or lodge can be classified as a caravan under relevant legislation.

  • Civil Matters

Boundary disputes, covenants or other property rights.

Investigation process

The Authority will investigate all potential breaches of planning control that are brought to our attention, however please note not all enquiries can be given equal priority. We acknowledge that to a complainant, concerns are of considerable importance however enforcement resources are limited and some matters will cause considerably more harm to the environment, to public safety or to residential amenity than others and need to be prioritised.

It must also be noted anonymous concerns will not normally be investigated.

Click ‘Next’ to report a planning breach
