Before applying for planning permission

Eryri National Park Authority strongly recommend that you use the Pre-application Advice service before you apply for planning permission. The Pre-application Advice service can help you:

  • find out whether you need to apply for planning permission in the first place
  • understand some of the factors that may affect your application before you officially submit it to the Authority

Using of the Pre-application Advice service can reduce the possibility of unforeseen factors delaying your application.

Pre-application Advice Service

How to apply for planning permission

You can apply for planning permission by using the Welsh Government’s ‘Planning Applications Wales’ service. PDF forms are also available to download on this service.

Apply for Planning Permission (Welsh Government)
Download PDF Application Forms (Welsh Government) 

Planning Application Fees

Your planning application fee will depend on the type of application you are submitting.

Planning Application Fees

Data Protection

Eryri National Park Authority treats all information provided in confidence and according to the Data Protection Act 1998. The Authority will use your information to process your application. Some of the information you provide will form part of a Public Register that the Authority must publish by law. In addition, the Authority will publish an edited version of your planning application and attached documents on our website. The Authority will not publish personal signatures, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses on our website.