The shortage of affordable housing is a national issue and is one of the greatest challenges facing many communities in Eryri.

The Eryri National Park Authority does not build houses nor is it a housing authority.  However, as the Authority responsible for planning in the National Park, it attempts to make sure new buildings or conversions are of a type needed by people who live and work locally.

The National Park Authority achieves this through:

  • its policies in the Eryri Local Development Plan and the Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Guidance
  • supporting the work of Rural Housing Enablers who work on behalf of local communities to carry out housing need surveys and come up with tailor-made solutions to meet local housing need
  • working closely with Gwynedd Local Housing Authority and Conwy Local Housing Authority.
  • working closely with housing associations operating within Eryri National Park namely Grwp Cynefin, Adra and Cartrefi Conwy
What does ‘affordable housing to meet local need’ mean?

Affordable housing includes social rented, affordable rented and intermediate housing, provided to eligible households in housing need. Proposed occupiers of affordable housing must also satisfy the local person criteria. The definition of ‘housing need’ and ‘local’ is included on pages 80-81 of the Eryri Local Development Plan.

For an explanation of the Welsh Government definitions of affordable housing that we use, please look at the Welsh Government Technical Advice Note 2: Planning and Affordable Housing.

The Park Authority use legal agreements, known as Section 106’s, to make sure that houses remain affordable to a local person, not just for the first occupant but for future residents too.

What do I need to know if I want to build a new house or development?

The Park Authority have prepared guidance notes for applicants who intend to submit a planning application for an affordable dwelling to meet local needs.

Information on Affordable Dwelling Applications (PDF)

Useful Information

Page 76-82 of the Eryri Local Development Plan outlines the following relevant policies:

  • Strategic Policy G: Housing
  • Development Policy 30: Affordable Housing
  • Development Policy 11: Affordable Housing on Exception Sites

Eryri Local Development Plan

The Local Development Plan’s supplementary guidance includes a section on affordable housing.

Supplementary Planning Guidance

A copy of a Section 106 legal agreement can be obtained by the Authority’s Legal Department.