Local Nature Reserves (LNRs)

Local Nature Reserves (LNRs) are designated by local authorities. They are places with wildlife or geological features that are of special interest locally. They offer people special opportunities to study or learn about nature or simply to enjoy it.

Local Nature Reserves Wholly or Partly in Eryri:

Nant y Coed (part)

View the Interactive Map of The Natural Environment of Eryri National Park


National Nature Reserves (NNRs)

NNRs contain examples of some of the most important natural and semi-natural terrestrial and coastal ecosystems in Great Britain. They are managed to conserve their habitats or to provide special opportunities for scientific study of the habitats communities and species represented within them.

NNRs are declared by the statutory country conservation agencies under the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949 and the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981.

National Nature Reserves Wholly or Partly in Eryri:

  • Allt y Benglog
  • Berwyn (Part)
  • Cader Idris
  • Ceunant Cynfal
  • Ceunant Llennyrch
  • Coedydd Aber
  • Coed Cymerau
  • Coed Dolgarrog (Part)
  • Coed Ganllwyd
  • Coed Gorswen
  • Coedydd Maentwrog
  • Coed Rhygen
  • Coed Tremadog (Part)
  • Cwm Idwal
  • Cwm Glas Crafnant
  • Dyfi Estuary (Part)
  • Hafod Garregog
  • Morfa Dyffryn
  • Morfa Harlech
  • Rhinog
  • Yr Wyddfa

Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI)

The SSSI series has developed since 1949 as the national suite of sites providing statutory protection for the best examples of the UK’s flora, fauna, or geological or physiographical features. These sites are also used to underpin other national and international nature conservation designations. Most SSSIs are privately-owned or managed; others are owned or managed by public bodies or non-government organisations.

Originally notified under the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949, SSSIs have been re-notified under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981. Improved provisions for the protection and management of SSSIs were introduced by the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 (in England and Wales).

Sites of Special Scientific Interest Wholly or Partly in Eryri:

  • Aber Mawddach/Mawddach Estuary
  • Aberdunant
  • Afon Conwy Pastures
  • Afon Dyfi ger Mallwyd
  • Afon Eden – Cors Goch Trawsfynydd
  • Afon Gwyrfai a Llyn Cwellyn
  • Amnodd-Bwll Stream Section
  • Arthog Hall Woods
  • Bedd y Coedwr and Tyddyn Gwladys River Sections
  • Berwyn
  • Broadwater
  • Bryn Glas Quarry
  • Bryn y Gwin Isaf
  • Bryn-Llin-Fawr
  • Cadair Idris
  • Cae’r Felin
  • Caeau Bwlch
  • Caerau Uchaf
  • Castell Prysor
  • Cefn Coch Mine
  • Cefndeuddwr
  • Ceunant Aberderfel
  • Ceunant Cynfal
  • Ceunant Dulyn
  • Ceunant Llennyrch
  • Chwarel Cwm Hirnant
  • Chwareli Gelli-Grin
  • Clogwynygarreg
  • Coed Aber Artro
  • Coed Afon Pumryd
  • Coed Cae-awr
  • Coed Camlyn
  • Coed Cors y Gedol
  • Coed Dolgarrog
  • Coed Ganllwyd
  • Coed Gorswen
  • Coed Graig Uchaf
  • Coed Llechwedd
  • Coed Lletywalter
  • Coed Merchlyn
  • Coed Tremadog
  • Coed y Gofer
  • Coed y Rhygen
  • Coedydd Aber
  • Coedydd Abergwynant
  • Coedydd Beddgelert a Cheunant Aberglaslyn
  • Coedydd Dyffryn Ffestiniog (Gogleddol)
  • Coedydd Dyffryn Wnion
  • Coedydd Nanmor
  • Coedydd Nantgwynant
  • Cors Barfog
  • Cors Geuallt
  • Cors Graianog
  • Cors y Sarnau
  • Craig y Benglog
  • Craig yr Aderyn (Bird’s Rock)
  • Craig-y-Don
  • Craig-y-Garn
  • Cregennen a Pared y Cefn Hir
  • Cutiau
  • Cwm Cynfal
  • Cwm Dwythwch
  • Dolorgan Barn
  • Dyfi
  • Eidda Pastures
  • Eryri
  • Fairy Glen Woods
  • Ffriddoedd Garndolbenmaen
  • Foel Gron Stream Sections
  • Foel Ispri
  • Glasdir Copper Mine
  • Glaslyn
  • Glyn Cywarch
  • Glynllifon
  • Hermon Copper Bog
  • Llafar River Section
  • Llwyn-Iarth
  • Llyn Bychan
  • Llyn Goddionduon
  • Llyn Gwernan
  • Llyn Tegid
  • Llyn Ty’n y Mynydd
  • Llynnau Bodgynydd
  • Maes Meillion a Gefail-y-Cwm
  • Migneint-Arenig-Dduallt
  • Moel Hebog
  • Moelwyn Mawr
  • Morfa Dyffryn
  • Morfa Harlech
  • Mosshill
  • Mwyngloddia Wnion a Eglwys Sant Marc
  • Mwyngloddiau a Chreigiau Gwydyr
  • Mwyngloddiau Llanfrothen
  • Ogof Ddu
  • Pandora Reservoirs
  • Pant y Panel
  • Parc Dolmelynllyn a Glasdir
  • Penmaenuchaf Hall
  • Pont Bancog
  • Rhinog
  • Sychnant Pass
  • Trychiad Ffordd Craig Fach
  • Trychiad Ffordd Moel Hafod Owen
  • Yr Arddu

Ramsar sites

Ramsar sites are designated under the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance, agreed in Ramsar, Iran, in 1971. Originally intended to protect sites of importance especially as waterfowl habitat, the Convention has broadened its scope over the years to cover all aspects of wetland conservation and wise use, recognising wetlands as ecosystems that are extremely important for biodiversity conservation in general and for the well-being of human communities.

The Convention adopts a broad definition of wetland, namely “areas of marsh, fen, peatland or water, whether natural or artificial, permanent or temporary, with water that is static or flowing, fresh, brackish or salt, including areas of marine water the depth of which at low tide does not exceed six metres”. Wetlands “may incorporate riparian and coastal zones adjacent to the wetlands, and islands or bodies of marine water deeper than six metres at low tide lying within the wetlands”.

Ramsar Sites Wholly or Partly in Eryri:

  • Afon Dyfi – Cors Fochno (Part)
  • Llyn Idwal
  • Llyn Tegid

Special Protection Areas (ENPA)

SPAs are classified by the UK Government under the EC Birds Directive. ENPAs are areas of the most important habitat for rare (listed on Annex I to the Directive) and migratory birds within the European Union. ENPAs in terrestrial areas and territorial marine waters out to 200 nautical miles are classified under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981.

Special Protection Areas wholly or partly in Eryri:

  • Afon Dyfi (Part)
  • Berwyn (Part)
  • Craig yr Aderyn
  • Migneint Arenig Dduallt

Special Areas of Conservation (SAC)

SACs are designated under the EC Habitats Directive. SACs are areas which have been identified as best representing the range and variety within the European Union of habitats and (non-bird) species listed on Annexes I and II to the Directive. SACs in terrestrial areas and territorial marine waters out to 200 nautical miles are designated under the Conservation (Natural Habitats, &c.) Regulations 1994 (as amended).

Special Areas of Conservation Wholly or Partly in Eryri:

  • Afon Dyfrdwy and Llyn Tegid (Part)
  • Glynllifon (Part)
  • Rhinog
  • Morfa Dyffryn & Morfa Harlech
  • Afon Eden – Cors Goch
  • Afon Gwyrfai a Llyn Cwellyn (Part)
  • Berwyn
  • Cadair Idris
  • Coedydd Aber
  • Coedydd Derw a Ystlumod Meirion
  • Corsydd Eifionydd (Part)
  • Eryri (Part)
  • Migneint – Arenig – Dduallt
  • Mwyngloddiau Fforest Gwydir (Part)
  • Pen Llyn a’r Sarnau

Source: www.jncc.gov.uk

Natura 2000

Natura 2000 is the name of the European Union-wide network of nature conservation sites established under Articles 3 – 9 of Directive 92/43/EEC on the Conservation of Natural Habitats and Wild Fauna and Flora – the ‘Habitats Directive’. This network will comprise Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) and Special Protection Areas (SPAs).